Friday 20 May 2011

The Rapture

or "Wake Me Up When Judgement Day Comes"

I've heard a rumour that Saturday 21st May 2011 will be the end of the world - no idea where this date came from. If it was in The Bible then I'll be more relaxed (not exactly a reliable book to be honest), but if Nostrodamus said it then I'd be slightly worried.

To cut a long story short - we're all going to Hell (although I'm hoping the £40 I gave to charity this year would help a tiny bit to assure me a less painful stay).

If you've read The Bible (I haven't, well not all of it - I've been busy, but I've got the jist of it) then practically everything everyone has ever done is deemed against God so we're basically fucked.

Leviticus is technically the rule section of The Bible and it says what you can and can't do (but mostly what you can't) during your existance to be classed as a good person and go to Heaven, but the can't bit covers most of basic human existance - so again I say we're fucked.

My vision of Hell is a massive Hotel were all your worst fears and suffering is forced upon you - so for me that would either be being shut in a small box, shut in a room with hundreds of spiders, or being stuck in a lift with Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais. (My vision of Heaven, by the way, is a Hotel that gives you everything you love, and if you get tired of something it just turns into something else you love).

If the rapture does come tomorrow I for one won't be at all happy about, but then again I'll try to remember some of the happy times (what there was) in my near 30 year existance.

See you in Hell, ladies and gentleman.

The Fool