Saturday 24 March 2012

The Doctor's New Assistant

Found out, excitedly, the other day that once current assistant Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) leaves the TARDIS then her replace will be played by the talented Jenna-Louise Coleman.

Now nothing much has been said about who the character is - apart from Steven Moffet saying a few months back that The Doctor will met a "new friend", and it'll be a mystery about how they meet.

This was made me think, and I've come up with 3 possible old characters that Jenna-Louise's character may be the new version of.

1 - Susan Foreman (long shot) - The Doctor's granddaughter - she is a Time Lord so therefore it is entirely possible that she may have regeneration since their last meeting, when I believe The Doctor was Peter Davison (for the 25th anniversary).

2 - Jenny (long shot) - The Doctor's daughter - created by a DNA machine - she had 2 hearts, and was very much part Time Lord. She died (never regenerated) but was brought back to life - it is possible that during one of her advertures she died and actually wanted to regenerate this time.

3 - Romana (most possible) - A Timelord who did regenerate during one of the fourth Doctor's adventures, she left to help a planet. It is possible that she regenerated at least once since then.

I'm rarely right about these things - so I'll be very surprised if it turns out it is one of these characters.

The Fool.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Films I Have No Intention Of Ever Seeing - Part I

I called this part 1 on the oft chance that I think of some more later.

1 - the Twilight series (I've seen the first one and it was bloody awful)

2 - any thing with Will Ferrell (honestly - he annoys me, I don't know why, he just does, the only thing I like him in are the Austin Powers films)

3 - Big Mommas House and it's sequels (please - when did Lawrence stop doing decent films?)

4 - Buried Alive (I've got nothing against Ryan Reynolds - the idea of being locked in coffin freaks me the hell out)

5 - Green Lantern (again, nothing against Ryan - but I've seen the trailers, and it looks rubbish)

6 - Marley And Me (Owen Wilson annoys me - plus I know what happens to the dog - so no)

7 - Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (watched the trailer - and I believe that gives you the entire plot of the film in 3 minutes)

8 - Avatar (pft, fuck that - I can see the plot coming a mile off: soldiers send man in to blue village, man falls in love with blue girl, soldiers attack village, man helps blue village to fend off soldiers - correct me if I'm wrong)

that's it for now

The Fool