Thursday 15 December 2011

The Power Of Twitter

A few weeks back I was watching "Hacker Time" and I was wondering what type of dog he was.

Here he is pictured with the gorgeous Pollyanna Woodward (@GadgetPolly) [he's the small brown one].

Well, I asked on Twitter if anyone had any idea what type of dog he was.

And a few hours later I got a response. "a border terrier" is said.

Surprisingly the reponse came from the man who should know what type of dog Hacker is - the man who actually voices him! Yes that's right - [@Phil_Gluvets] - Hacker himself answered me :)

Just goes to show the power of Twitter :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Going Postal - Return To Sender

As a massive fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series I throughly enjoyed the adaptation of Going Postal that was shown last year.

I was searching Youtube and found this brilliant video of a few of the cast dancing to Elvis Presley's 'Return To Sender'

Saturday 3 September 2011

Happy Birthday Fearne Cotton

A personal favourite of mine ever since she started on CBBC.

I'll hear nothing against the lovely Fearne, she's like a Goddess to me, so a big "Fuck You!" to anyone who bad mouths her.

If you want to follow her on Twitter, and why wouldn't you, her address is @FearneCotton

Happy birthday oh gorgeous Miss Cotton. xxx

Saturday 2 July 2011

Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan

One of my favourite actresses is now 25 years old.

She is, in my opinion, one of the best actresses working today and doesn't get enough credit for her acting talent. She was fantastic in Mean Girls, and I actually enjoyed I Know Who Killed Me.

Yes, she has had her problems in her private life and she seems to be in the headlines more about that than her acting, but it doesn't take away from the talent she has.

She is a natural redhead, but she's been a brunette and a blonde in her time - looking gorgeous in all three colours.

So Happy birthday Lindsay, here's to many many more :)

No More Polls

Due to the very bad response to my Polls - the Gadget Girl Poll (that ended 0-0) will be the last Poll for the time being.

In unrelated matters - I had a virus the past week and have felt absolutely awful. But am feeling a bit better now.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

If I Ruled The World

  • Everyday would be the first day of spring (sorry accidentally channelled Harry Secombe)
  • Jeremy Clarkson would be head of Transport
  • Paedophiles and Rapists would be castrated
  • If a burglar breaks into your home, then you could do whatever the hell you want to them
  • Footballers would only be able to play for a team if they were born in that city
  • Footballers would be fired and deemed unhirable if they committed adultery or used drugs
  • Footballers and bankers would get the same wages as us normal people (because they're nothing special)
  • People who actually saved lives - eg: Nurses, Doctors, Firemen, Police Officers - would get higher wages for actually doing good
  • Teachers would get paid better too
  • Serial murderers i.e. someone who would definetly do it again - would be executed
  • Human Rights would be removed for criminals who don't derseve any
More will probably come in another blogpost if I can think of any more

Sunday 19 June 2011

Poll V

OKay, so, Selina Gomez won the Disney Special a few weeks ago, so I've just thought of a new Poll

Gadget Girl Special

Suzi Perry vs Pollyanna Woodward

Get Voting!!

Thursday 9 June 2011


Sorry for the gap in blogs (don't know why I'm apologising - no-one's reading this!), haven't much inspiration as it were for anything really.

Currently working on a 'music video' for 'Imagine' by John Lennon using pictures to represent different words, also thinking of different songs I could do this for.

There won't be a Poll this week, but I'll try and think up one for Saturday.

My twitter is @TheFool2011 if anyone wants to follow me, at last look I had 36 followers, which is nice. I'm not one of those people to actually give a crap how many are following me to be honest.

Apparently Carol Vorderman has won the coverted 'Rear Of The Year' for 2011 - good on her.

I can see why.

Also congrats to Fearne Cotton, Kim Kardashian and The Saturdays on winning various awards at this years Glamour Awards the other night.

My advice to anyone who wants a laugh - listen to Alex Lester's Best Time Of The Day Show on BBC Radio 2 between 2-5am - it's brilliantly funny.

The Fool.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Poll IV

Congratulations to Holly Willoughby (@HollyWills) on winning last week's poll.

So next up will be a Disney Channel Sensation Special Poll

It's a Fatal Four Way match between - Miley Cyrus vs Emily Osment vs Demi Lovato vs Selena Gomez

Get Voting!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Poll III

Congrats to Yasmine Bleeth on winning the last Poll.

Now I've decided to scrap the random thing and actually have a theme for each Poll, starting today.

So we'll start I think with - Which of the following is your favourite female "This Morning presenter."

Jenni Falconer vs Ruth Langsford vs Holly Willoughby

Get Voting!

Friday 20 May 2011

The Rapture

or "Wake Me Up When Judgement Day Comes"

I've heard a rumour that Saturday 21st May 2011 will be the end of the world - no idea where this date came from. If it was in The Bible then I'll be more relaxed (not exactly a reliable book to be honest), but if Nostrodamus said it then I'd be slightly worried.

To cut a long story short - we're all going to Hell (although I'm hoping the £40 I gave to charity this year would help a tiny bit to assure me a less painful stay).

If you've read The Bible (I haven't, well not all of it - I've been busy, but I've got the jist of it) then practically everything everyone has ever done is deemed against God so we're basically fucked.

Leviticus is technically the rule section of The Bible and it says what you can and can't do (but mostly what you can't) during your existance to be classed as a good person and go to Heaven, but the can't bit covers most of basic human existance - so again I say we're fucked.

My vision of Hell is a massive Hotel were all your worst fears and suffering is forced upon you - so for me that would either be being shut in a small box, shut in a room with hundreds of spiders, or being stuck in a lift with Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais. (My vision of Heaven, by the way, is a Hotel that gives you everything you love, and if you get tired of something it just turns into something else you love).

If the rapture does come tomorrow I for one won't be at all happy about, but then again I'll try to remember some of the happy times (what there was) in my near 30 year existance.

See you in Hell, ladies and gentleman.

The Fool

Sunday 15 May 2011

Poll II

Okay, so Natasha Henstridge won the first Poll. Hopefully more voters this time.

Italian Big Brother contestant Cristina Del Basso vs. former Baywatch babe Yasmine Bleeth